Vaughn’s Robotics Team Wins Mexico’s VEX U Reeduca Robotics Competition
Vaughn College’s robotics team, the 2016 VEX U Robotics World Champion, was invited to participate in Mexico’s VEX U Reeduca Robotics competition as part of the international Congress of Technologies of Information and Communication (CITIC) 2016. The Starstruck Challenge competition was held at The Universidad Tecnológica de Querétaro, in Queretaro City, Mexico. Bilal Rashid ’20, Norrin Abreu ’20, Niki Taheri ’20, Eric Grieco ’20, Thomas Wolday ’20, and Andriy Belz ’20 competed, advised by faculty mentors Alex Uquillas ’16, the 2015-2016 robotics club president, Professor Khalid Mouaouya, and Dr. Hossein Rahemi, the engineering and technology department chair.
Vaughn competed against eight Mexican teams and won seven out of its eight matches to advance to the playoff round. The team remained undefeated through the quarterfinals, semifinal and final matches to win the tournament championship for the second year in row.