Vaughn Virtually Toasts the Class of 2021
The celebratory toast launched the College’s virtual commencement events for this season. Serving as a precursor for the 2021 commencement events, more than 95 attendees tuned in on Thursday, April 29. The event began with a tribute slideshow featuring the graduating class of 2021 and with an introduction by Elaine T. White, assistant vice president and dean of students, who welcomed students and other attendees.
This was followed by a toast by the College’s President Dr. Sharon B. DeVivo who urged students that the relationships they have built, the support they’ve received, and the network of colleagues and professional advisers continues on, even after their departure from Vaughn.
Ken Stauffer, board of trustees chair, also joined in on a toast congratulating students and encouraging them to go on and make the world a better place.
Stephen DeSalvo, chief development officer, officially welcomed the graduating students into the vast network of the College’s alumni. The office of institutional advancement serves as the fundamental link to the College’s external relationships ensuring that all graduates feel connected to Vaughn even after graduation.
Vaughn College will be hosting a virtual honors convocation event on Wednesday, May 12.