Vaughn College mechatronics engineering students Marvin Blackman, Shahidul Islaam and Joseph Kamel will present a paper titled “Programming and Automation Process of an Industrial Mechatronic System” at the American Society for Engineering Education sectional conference in Albany in March.

The students, under the direction of Dr. Hossein Rahemi, will discuss how programmable controllers can be used to refine the hazardous cargo screening process in airports and elsewhere. Their presentation will include a description of PLC systems and their industrial applications and a programming demonstration.

The Vaughn students see their mechatronics example as an alternative to the X-ray system currently employed in airports worldwide. A belt will feed to a screening station that tests for hazardous materials. A robotic arm at a separate handling station will sort out potentially threatening objects for further inspection.

The sectional conference is scheduled for March 18-19.