Vaughn Renews Affiliation With Turkish University
Vaughn College today signed an agreement with the University of the Turkish Aeronautical Association (UTAA) and the Turk Hava Kurumu Universitesi (THK) in Ankara, Turkey to continue its relationship begun in 2011.
The goal of the original agreement was to enhance teaching and research programs at both schools. In it, Vaughn and UTAA agreed to share faculty and student opportunities and collaborate in research efforts for at least three years. Under the memorandum, Vaughn and UTAA students will have the opportunity to attend each other’s campuses.
“Our relationship provides students with exciting opportunities to participate in aviation internationally,” Fitzpatrick said. “This is just another avenue we have identified to prepare our students for future work in a global economy.”
In signing today’s agreement, Vaughn President Dr. John Fitzpatrick and Osman Yildirim recognized the beneficial nature of the relationship and closed the signing ceremony with Yildirim noting, “The future is in the skies.”
Above: Vaughn College President Dr. John Fitzpatrick, right, and Osman Yildirim sign affiliation agreement. Below: Osman Yildirim presents Dr. Fitzpatrick with a token of appreciation.