Vaughn College Featured in NY1 News Spotlight Story
Three members of the Vaughn College community were featured in a spotlight story on Time Warner Cable’s NY1 News on Wednesday, June 18. The story highlighted colleges in Queens that have an established relationship with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and the beneficial impact this relationship has on students.
Vaughn students Ryan Barren ’15, an aircraft operations major, gave a demonstration of Vaughn’s flight simulators, while Yichuan Luo ’17, an airport management major, gave a glimpse into the benefits of studying aviation at a college in close proximity to a major airport.
In addition, Dr. Maxine Lubner, chair of the management department, illustrated what draws students to this particular field of study.
“When they get here, they often find that there’s a tremendous variety of areas in aviation,” explained Lubner. “And in aviation, once the bug bites, it tends to stay.”
See NY1 News’ video spotlight here.