Vaughn College Chapter of the Society of Women Engineers Attend the 2019 Women Engineers Conference
Just prior to Thanksgiving break, the Vaughn College chapter of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) attended the 2019 Women Engineers Conference in Anaheim, California. The conference brought together the leading voices and figures in the movement to advance women in engineering and technology.
The College sponsored a total of nine students who were in search of job offers and internships to attend the conference. The students attended a career fair, presented lightening talks and held a STEM workshop for the Invent It, Build It event.
The career fair proved great success for Vaughn students. They received a combined total of 22 interviews resulting in one offer of an internship position and nine full-time position offers with industry leaders such as Northrop Grumman, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon General Motors and United Technologies.
Attending the SWE conference provided the students with the opportunity to make industry connections and speak directly with recruiters from some of the leading companies in engineering and technology.