US News Names Vaughn First-Tier Regional College
The U.S. News & World Report College Rankings for 2015 have been released and Vaughn College has once again achieved a higher position in the list of the best regional colleges. Vaughn moved from number 24 last year to number 22 this year and this represents a five-place move in the last two years from 27 to 22. This is the fifth year in a row Vaughn College has been named among the first-tier, top regional colleges in the North from Maine to Maryland. The results were released September 9.
One of the ranking variables examined is the predicted versus actual graduation rate. US News measures the difference between a school’s six-year graduation rate for the class that entered in 2007 and the rate predicted for the class. If the actual graduation rate was higher than the predicted rate, then the College is enhancing achievement.
On this specific metric Vaughn far exceeded the predicted rate by 18 points. According to President Dr. Sharon B. DeVivo, “This is an indicator that we can be particularly proud of and one that signals the progress Vaughn is making in serving students well and assisting them in persisting and graduating.”
In addition, Vaughn also ranked seventh in the “Best Colleges for Veterans” rankings in the regional North and Vaughn had the greatest percentage of ethnic diversity as well as economic diversity of any regional college in the north.
See the entire U.S. News & World Report ranking online here.