IAWA Panel features Vaughn Faculty and Staff to Discuss COVID-19’s Impacts on Aviation Education
On Thursday, January 21, Vaughn faculty and staff were featured on the International Aviation Women’s Association (IAWA) panel to discuss the impacts of the pandemic on aviation education and the ongoing challenges and best practices going forward. Among those featured were Loretta Alkalay, aviation attorney and assistant professor; Crystal Cruz, Vaughn alumna; Deb Henneberry, assistant professor and Elaine T. White, dean of students and assistant vice president of student affairs. The panel was moderated by Dr. Maxine Lubner, management department chair.
The presentation focused on the College’s collective efforts to operate during unprecedented times, the steps and new protocols taken to adapt to a new virtual environment and management of economic, social and psychological impacts on students, faculty and staff.
Panelists also highlighted Vaughn’s efforts to quickly facilitate support for online teaching methods through D2L instructing, the introduction of asynchronous and synchronous lessons, remote learning techniques and Zoom conferencing to make the new instructing experience a rich one for faculty and students.
Furthermore, a reminder of how resilient the Vaughn community is and how all efforts are focused on continuing to provide a quality education and to support Vaughn students in every way possible.