Captain Peter Russo, aviation department chair and Joseph D’onofrio, aviation faculty member handed out certificates and pins to aircraft operations degree program students at the aviation pinning ceremony. The ceremony recognized student achievement and encouraged pilot pathways to current students.
Both presenters reviewed academic milestones that are important for students to achieve a success. Steps such as participation in the Heritage Flight Academy, and obtaining flight certifications. They also discussed the importance of being involved in student activities and clubs like the unmanned aerial vehicle club which provides crucial experience that helps student obtain internships and career placement.

“A part of doing the right thing is not just academics, all aspects of your student life inform the quality of the professional that you will be,” Russo remarked.

The presenters reassured that Vaughn College is dedicated to providing a transformative education for its students to lead towards success in the their career and the industry.

“Always remember that when you graduate from a college like Vaughn, wear it like a badge,” said D’onofrio. “Be proud of what you’ve done, and make sure to come back and share your experience with other students.”