Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA) Features Vaughn in Recent Article
Vaughn College was featured on the cover of the November 9 Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA) Bulletin. The article, “Vaughn College Raises the Bar with Simulation Labs,” focused on how the College is training the next generation of air traffic controllers and providing recurrent training with the addition of an air traffic control simulation laboratory that was opened in the fall of 2013. The article noted Vaughn’s history of innovation that allows for sustained success in academia and described the particulars of the new radar and tower simulators that provide training for every position including ground control, local and approach.
“These spaces for simulation are really a showcase for our College, give our students an opportunity to practice their skills in a safe environment and allow current practitioners a lab to hone proficiencies,” said Dr. Sharon DeVivo, president of Vaughn College. “We’re really surrounded by every aspect of aviation here and we are fortunate to bring that expertise to the laboratory and classroom experience.”
Read the full article here.