How to Find a Balance Between College and Work

October 10, 2017 Student Life

College students know firsthand the struggle of making ends meet. Balancing both school and work seems to be the norm for most students these days, so knowing the best ways to excel at both can provide students lasting benefits for their future. If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. In fact, nearly 80 percent of students work at least part-time to help offset rising tuition costs and expenses. Not to mention, it gives their parents’ wallets a break.

So, how to balance work and college? Here are some real-life tips to help you keep your college life in balance while working:

  • Find a flexible job—Search for a job that has flexible hours. Be upfront with your manager about your class schedule, especially during mid-terms and finals when you’ll need extra study time. Knowing your schedule in advance will not only help you manage your study time, but will enable your manager to adjust your shift to accommodate when you can work.
  • Find an on-campus job—Working on campus is a home run for college students. They have the luxury of staying on campus and going to their jobs either before or after class, without the hassle of commuting.
  • Ask professors for work—Some professors hire students to help them with outside projects. This is a great way to earn extra money while getting hands-on experience in your field.
  • Take online classes—Online classes are a gift for students who need to work more hours and who are dedicated to earning their degrees. It frees up valuable time and offers students the flexibility of working at their own pace without being married to a set class schedule.
  • Find a job/internship related to your major—Internships or jobs in your field can offer invaluable experience for your future. They can offer insight to help you determine if a field is a good fit for you. Some students may realize after working a specific job that it wasn’t the right choice for them. Alternately, other students find their niche and go on to pursue that career.

Working while in college can be a bit overwhelming for some students, so it’s important to set goals. If you think that working now isn’t worth it, just remember the time you are currently putting in will pay off later when you graduate with little or no debt. You’ve got this.

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